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Mississippi metal detectorist finds and returns class ring

By Webmaster | January 5, 2008

classring.jpgReturning lost class rings never fails to garner positive press for our hobby. Davy Keith of Laurel, Mississippi proved that once again using his brand new White’s DFX. The 1966 South Jones High School class ring is in great shape and is now back in the hands of the original owner who lost it in a local park during the 1980s.

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2 Responses to “Mississippi metal detectorist finds and returns class ring”

  1. Class Rings Articles » Blog Archive » Mississippi metal detectorist finds and returns class ring Says:
    January 17th, 2008 at 7:47 am

    [...] Original post by Marcus [...]

  2. Mike Says:
    May 5th, 2008 at 5:01 pm

    Hi There,

    I always enjoy reading about someone returning a valuable keepsake to the owner. It really has to be quite a shock to the owner to get something back that they’ve written off forever.

    Nice information on this site. I’ll definitely be back.
