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May Meeting – Thursday May 17th at 6PM
By Webmaster | May 17, 2012
From the Club Secretary:
At the April meeting it was voted on and passed to change our clubs name to the MID SOUTH METAL DETECTING CLUB.
April finds of the month winner, Jim Bryson, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. 1st place with a nice Mercury dime, 2nd place with an old sterling locket, and 3rd place with a silver USN device.
Don’t forget to bring your wheat cents for wheatie bingo. A new wheatie bingo game will be starting as Jim Bryson got a bingo at the April meeting.
Bobby Barden won split the pot.
Jim Bryson won the door prize.
The May meeting is this Th., the 17th, at the Bartlett Library starting at 6p.
With our recents rains the ground is now in pretty good shape for digging so everyone get out there and find some goodies.
Hope to see everyone Th the 17th.
Happy hunting,
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