« Previous EntriesJune Meeting Results
Thursday, June 28th, 2012From the club secretary, Jim Bryson: We had a light cast of members for our June meeting, but some good finds were non the less entered in our FINDS OF THE MONTH portion of the club meeting. 3rd place went to Jim Bryson with a 1914 Barber dime he found while up in Minnesota. 2nd [...]
Upcoming June Meeting
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012From the Club Secretary – Jim Bryson. Just a reminder that our next club meeting is this Th, 6/21, at 6p at the Bartlett library. It appears that Pat Astor will be out of town and was un-able to locate anyone near by to give the treasurer supplies to. Consequently, things like find of the [...]
May Meeting Recap
Monday, May 21st, 2012At our May 17th meeting, Pat gave us a recap of the April (spring) hunt. Our hats go off to Pat and Bennie for a well managed hunt and ULTRA STRONG FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. May finds of the month winners, …….3rd place, Terry Clifton with a 10k ring w/19 diamonds. 2nd place, Sid Witherington with a [...]
May Meeting – Thursday May 17th at 6PM
Thursday, May 17th, 2012From the Club Secretary: At the April meeting it was voted on and passed to change our clubs name to the MID SOUTH METAL DETECTING CLUB. April finds of the month winner, Jim Bryson, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. 1st place with a nice Mercury dime, 2nd place with an old sterling locket, and 3rd [...]
April 21st Spring Hunt Details
Sunday, April 15th, 2012From the club Secretary: Just another reminder that our club hunt is this Sat., 4/21. The silver seeding of the three fields will commence around 8a and we need a couple more seeders to show up about that time to help seed the fields. For those of you planning to hunt that haven’t yet signed [...]
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